Saturday, 20 April 2024
Hoshin use a number of analytical techniques to deliver projects.
"Unlike other agencies we focus on the output, not the means of getting there. Yes we offer focus groups, yes we build statistical models etc., etc., but do you really care if its called quantative, qualitative, primary or secondary? We will provide you with truly creative insights about your communities and businesses...."
Phil Smith, Managing Director.

We are experts in a wide range of techniques for gathering data. We have helped a wide variety of organisations carry out primary research and with this information they have been able to devise strategy and policy and to understand the people they serve.
We use a combination of online and offline techniques including surveys, structured and unstructured interviews, focus groups, discussion forums and Delphi groups to build a complete picture of the issues at hand, often complementing this with data from one of the many secondary research sources (Census, ODPM and other government data, for example) in which we have expertise.
What’s more, with our expertise in on-line data collection, there is becoming less and less need for literature reviews and secondary research. All this means that we can mix our techniques to provide you with research solutions that maximise your budget and minimise your risk.
The Hoshin team has a broad range of knowledge and experience,
helping people collect, analyse and communicate through knowledge management.
If you need to contact us, please email on
or call on 0161 256 0349.